
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas and Crayons- Totally Unrelated

The store was full of old ladies. I don't what was going on, but I felt like I was at a fashion show for high wasted pants and turquoise flannel...because, that's what old ladies wear....

I scribbled that in my notebook in, surprise, surprise, a Wal-Mart parking lot. I included it (if you need a reason) because I'm sick of writing things and taking up room in my blog-notebook, and they never getting to my blog. And besides, thinking up an intro to these things is hard....

I am having a coherency problem, so I figured I'll just go ahead and skip to that. I told myself before the holidays that I was not, repeat NOT going to let the busyness of Christmas prevent me from keeping up with my blog, which I had finally gotten into a habit of doing...I, of all people should have known how unreliable I am. But the last time I blogged I left you out of breath, staring blankly at three black and white photos of people you didn't know and expecting an update about a Christmas party that never came. And now I'm going to have skip past the part about the Christmas party, the adorable version of Porky Pig singing "Blue Christmas" that I listened to at least forty times, the shock and disappointment I felt when I found out that both Morey Amsterdam and Andy Griffith had been sucked into providing voices for those terrible (but somehow cozy) Christmas cartoons from the 70' order to keep you up-to-date. So let's start with the presents, shall we? Normally, in the blissful days of my recent childhood, I was able to accumulate during the course of a year, a list of presents not below or exceeding roughly 2 million items. In this way, I knew that no matter how badly my parents anticipated which one I wanted the most, someone in my family was sure to get me an awesome present. However, this year I found myself completely stumped. I really had everything I wanted at the moment...except a guitar, but my mother was sneaky and dishonest enough to affirm to me that I wasn't getting one. And as a result, waiting for my Christmas present was like missing a trip to Disney world and then picking up trash off the highway...and then having to eat cold spinach for dinner. I had to listen to Mom and Dad actually complain they couldn't give it to me sooner. But it was worth the wait, and I am now the proud owner of a beautiful new Yamaha acoustic guitar with a Road-Runner brand case. (the inside of the case is furry and blue and the most comfortable thing since makes you want to crawl inside and become a ventriloquist's dummy just so you can live there). I also got a cool lap desk from Nina and Papa (which I am using right now, thank you very much ;) some silly bands- I'm not really into the silly band thing but these were Muppet silly bands, so I made an exception. I got two new cool scarfs, knee socks and a tee-shirt which merits description; It is gray, features Kermit the frog in large glasses and says "Geek" several times in big green letters. I really don't have a clue what would posses someone to make a shirt like this, but I do know that it has the Muppets and it calls me a geek, and is therefore the most expressive thing I shall ever wear. New Years was celebrated with non-alcoholic sparkling grape juice, Jack Benny specials and a lot of noise. We didn't get to celebrate Christmas with our other grandparents till the day before yesterday, and I came back with an awesome vintage VW bug puzzle from 1974, steam-curlers, and some capital, gnarly and pleasing new vinyl, including >insert girly squeal< two John Denver records. ANYWAY, our poster collecting is going surprisingly well. We already have the Humphrey
Bogart, a black and white "Casablanca" and an "Abbey Road". Today I am expecting a Jack Benny, and John Denver and Bob Dylan are on the way. So goodbye people! I told mother I would be working on my poster project, and something tells me she shall be rather unhappy to find out the truth. Some people simply cannot handle the truth.

P.S. At some point I'm going to grow up and stop using unnecessary pictures to draw people into my posts. At some point I am going to have a nice camera and be able to take decent pictures and then I'll be able to show you the tee-shirt and silly bands and guitar. But right now you'll just have to settle for the pictures of two of the the posters were getting (Bob Dylan and Jack Benny) and a stock photo of John Denver's "Poems, Prayers and Promises", one of my new records. Many apologies, especially as blogger's inability to cope with visuals is yet again cutting my post to pieces.

P.P.S. I almost forgot! We got "Toy Story 3" for Christmas too - and unless my laptop is impounded because of this post I will review it soon. Cheers!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Stuff and Stuff

I get the sneaking suspicion I've used that title before. But, you see, to verify this would take research and neither me or you want to read old posts, so I digress. First off, I want to apologize for that last post. Not particularly because it was awful, in the technical sense it was a nice coherent (:D) post with plenty of good points- in fact, I may be just being perfectionist- I guess the problem was that there was nothing funny about it. If I'm going to write something I want it to have at least the bare minimal of humor to it, and there is positively nothing funny about watching Tim Blake in a bad role. But enough about that; Some updates! (your going to have to bear with me at first because this doesn't sound exciting) Me and my sister Ruby...meaning me...spent yesterday cleaning and the end result was that we earned 15 bucks each. That may not sound like a lot of money, but to a girl who wants as many things as I do, it's like the light at the end of the tunnel- I guess the tunnel is the day I spent cleaning...never mind, figure it out yourself. So anyway, Ruby is buying a Humphrey Bogart poster with her half, and hanging it over her bed in a spot conveniently visible to me and out of the way of my record- mural- thing. I don't know what the thing is about Humphrey Bogart- he's just about so awesome I can't think of anything to compare him too. He's not even really all that good looking, he's what you call intimidatingly handsome; he scares you into the illusion that he's the best thing since...or till... Harrison Ford. And that's just cool. But that's not my problem; I have been wanting a John Denver poster. And I am NOT afraid to admit that, I am embracing my own inner- nerd. You may call it de-socialization, I call it bravery; it's not easy carrying out a social life with a guy like John Denver hanging over your head-literally. That's what the pictures are of- The smiley guy (Denver, if you happen to be a crazy person and don't know) and Bogart, who looks like he just may shoot someone, these are the exact posters were getting, and I leave it up to you- who out does the other? Is John Denver friendlier (I refrain from saying 'cute') than Humphrey Bogart is tough?! We must solve this great problem! And that just may be were I leave you. I really just wanted to blog because I can, and because I want to have something else on the top of my page other than the boring "Holes" review. Oh! And a few more things; today was the last class day till February, but tomorrow we are going caroling and Saturday there is a Christmas party- (why is this my first Christmas party? That really hurts) so the festivities are not over yet. And; we have been watching a lot of "The Dick Van Dyke Show" ( D.V.D. is also among my list of awesome people) lately, and when I mentioned this to my grandfather the day before yesterday, he told me he had met Morey Amsterdam...and it is very hard to explain the significance of that to you unless A) you watched the show and B) You knew the names of the actors and C) you appreciate awesome people, because Morey Amsterdam is one O' dose. And I plan on buying a cool Muppet record. The end!

P.S. I added a picture of Morey Amsterdam for good measure. I know there are lots of pictures of awesome people in black and white but as long as you know who at least two of them are I trust you won't get confused.

P.P.S. I thought of one of those witty sayings you could put on a T-shirt: "Before the world had Chuck Norris we had Humphrey Bogart" Your welcome. I don't know how much sense that makes because I'm not familiar with Chuck Norris, I just know he's cool. And you may or may not get beat up for wearing a shirt that says that- it depends on how many people there are that still walk around thinking it's the 80's. And I also thought of something to compare him to; he's almost as awesome as my Kermit hat.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

"Holes"- A Sick Girl's Review.

"Smells like puke from a mule that's been ruminating on asparagus for a week!"- Dr. Pendenski

( That is my favorite quote from the movie ;-). First of all, let me clarify my use of the word "sick", what I mean is, I have had the flu for the last week. Not the other kind of sick as in "sicko". Glad that's out of the way. Well as you all know, I only promised- what was it- a week ago that this review was coming soon. It came! I cannot tell you how incredibly glad I was when the "Inspector Gadget" review got so much feedback...positive feedback...and I have really wanted to get off...I mean up and review another movie. We rented "Holes" the exact same time as "Inspector Gadget", and I had already seen it many times before, which is probably half the reason why it wasn't my first choice for reviewing- I already had a built-in opinion that I had shared with most of you. Anyway, when I watched this...uhm....this time, I almost expected it to be a bad movie. That probably had something to do with the aforementioned film, but it still shook my firm belief that this was an awesome movie, and helped me to look at it in a more honest, analytical way. And I still could find very little wrong with it. I like this movie! The plot is excellent, sure- I can't give Disney the credit for it, it was based of a book- but it is great. It's complicated and all ties in Seinfeld episode or something. Except that's a really bad example, because it's nothing like Seinfeld. Anyway- Patricia Arquette and Tim Blake, the name of two actors...or an actor and actress...who's acting needed help in this movie. Let me explain. I am a fan of Tim Blake- "O' Brother Where Art Thou" is in the top three of my all-time favorite movies, and he is one of my favorite characters in the movie... but his role in "Holes" was impossible. He plays Dr. Pendenski, the camp counselor. Originally, he is introduced as the nice, stupid guy, but early on a sub plot is introduced in which he is really, really mean to the supporting character, Zero. And it's just unbelievable. As in- you can't believe it, which still sounds too dramatic. And then as the movie goes on he get's meaner and meaner in general, and by the end of the movie he's just a sinister evil-genius- his entire character turns around, and it's just no good. Besides, he's way more believable as a nice stupid guy. And Patricia Arquette, who plays Kate Barlow... well- what can say? She's very pretty. There, that's the nice thing- and her acting is terrible. End of story. Anyway, the bottom line is this- I did my research, I asked at least a dozen people, including my teacher and my grandparents, and got one of the same answers every time- either "Loved it", "It was very clever" or "I've only read the book". And one guy just didn't like Shia LeBuff, but that's actor stuff, so I don't count that. But seriously, this movie had everything- awesome plot, reasonably good actors, some comedy, scenes in the old west AND with a pig, and a soundtrack that could have been anyone from Alison Krauss to Blues Traveler. I guess that's not a real big range. Oh well. What I'm trying to say is- this leaves very little grounds for reviewing. All I can really tell you is, go watch it! It's good...unless your a huge Tim Blake fan...

P.S. We just had our library membership renewed! So maybe I'll read the book and then write a whole post about how it is and isn't like the movie. I've read the book, but it was a long time ago and all I remember is that Stanley was fat.

P.P.S. You see how boring the reviews are when the movie is good?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sickness, The Worst Way To Die.

I really want to blog right now, and I should, it's a perfectly logical thing to do. Because I, dear people, am sick. I woke up this morning with a headache, after having dreams off and on that I was alone with the girls in the car trying to find a way home. I had more then a headache- my limbs and back are aching, to the point were I can't even really move them (typing, once you achieve the right angle, does not require use of arms, just fingers) and I have a really painful cough that feels like it will make me throw up. Mom had planned to go out tonight, which is horrible because I've been begging her to do something out of the house so me and my sisters can have a sleepover, and I will probably miss school tomorrow. In other words, my day is not going desirably, and now I am stuck desperately trying to think up a blog post because it's the only thing left for me to do. I've been looking through my drafts, trying to get an idea, but the thing about blog posts is you have to be in a certain state of mind when you write them, and I feel like the blob at the moment, so I can't really pick up the energetic thought trains of any of my other posts. But before I complain further, I would like to thank all of you for commenting on my last blog post, seven is the most comments I think I have had since I started blogging again in like 2009. (OK, so half those comments are mine, there were still a lot) I feel a little better now, so maybe I'll get up and watch "The Dick Van Dyke" show in the living-room. Or maybe I'll just have another biscuit and watch "The Andy Griffith" show on TV So this has just been a gloomy, boring update of a post with no witticism whatsoever, but at least I feel secure in the fact that you all enjoyed the last one. Better post coming (hopefully) soon!

P.S. Oh right, that title. Well I could go on for hours, but really, think about it- a slow, painful death in which you hurt internally. It's not near as funny as it sounds but very true. And why the picture of the Blob? The world will never know...

P.P.S. Mom is very nice. She made me a biscuit and a smoothie and she says that I don't have to do the dishes and she's willing to let me stay in bed and miss her dinner-trip. I love my Aunty Em!

Monday, November 22, 2010

A Fly-By Review of "Inspector Gadget"- The Movie, and Some More Important Things.

I changed the title of this post. It was originally going to be something cutesy... something with "Wowzers" in it. And there is a reason I told you that, because it shows you just how serious I took writing this review. You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do this, or how many reviews I already have saved as drafts- but my own laziness, self-consciousness, and the fact that I could never find a good movie that everyone I know hadn't already seen prevented me. Until the other night when I got all mad after watching LOST and decided to write about it- and people liked it, and it got off well, and I promised a review and...buried myself. I want you to know that I did not pick this movie from other choices as the best possible one to review, my sisters have been watching a lot of old "Inspector Gadget" cartoons recently, and in the midst of missing them when I was at Nina and Papa's for my birthday I decided it would be a good idea to rent the live-action movie. The last time I watched it was in 2007, when it kept coming on TBS. And for some reason, weird memories of Mom and Dad giggling at a few parts, coupled with a conversation I remember having with Dad in Cici's about what was like the cartoon and what wasn't, gave me the lasting impression that it was a funny, memorable family movie. But it obviously wasn't that memorable, or I would have remembered it for what it is; a cruddy, cruddy, direct-to-video film. So movie- I am going to review you. But not in the professional, analytical way I had originally intended- your not worth it. In more of a fly-by, heres-to-justify-all-the-mean-things-I'm-gonna-say way. And then I'm getting on with my life. The first thing that pulled me out of my illusion when I watched this, was the dialogue. It will make you cringe. And no, I'm not talking about Mathew Broderick (here is another good thing about movie reviews, you can use actor and actress's names as if you know them and all their work when you really don't, I've never seen another of Mathew Broderick's films) saying "Wowzers" every five minutes, that I forgive. And I also understand the need to make this palatable for children; the intended audience, but let's be frank here- Loony Toons is palatable for children, The Muppet movies are palatable, even the Backyardigans are funny and make perfect sense to a kid. So why on earth, if it wasn't just really bad script writing, did they feel the need to make all their characters sound like the adults on a Barney episode? And again, I'm not gonna go into a ton of detail about the acting and stuff; mainly because I know virtually nothing about acting except that it has to do with stage-fright and fur coats, and because I'm not sure how any actor or actress who tried their best could have made a script like that better. In fact, the only thing else I'm going to write about this movie, is that it confirmed a suspicion I had the moment I watched the commercial on Netflix; if you've never seen the cartoon, it will make a ton more sense. One thing I notice a lot about Disney movies that are made from a previous idea; no matter how iconic and well known the original was, Disney will make it completely different. And I don't mean all the Disney based-of-a-cartoon-movies are bad, I liked "Underdog", but then, I've never seen the cartoon. It's like, they got the idea from someone, watched about five seconds from one of the old episodes, and ran with it. And no, it doesn't really bother me at all that it wasn't like the cartoon, it just doesn't make any sense. There were all these element of the cartoon that were really well-known, like the Claw's face never getting shown and Penny finding all the clues, that would have been easy to incorporate and at least make it to were you could watch the movie and go "Oh YeeAAAhhh!!! The Claw did have a cat! Wadda ya know, someone did their research!". And then there were other weird things that they just kind of threw into the movie, and when I watched it oblivious to the fact that a cartoon version even existed, it seemed to make perfect sense that his car would talk and his dog wouldn't. Oh yyyessss....I almost forgot. The Gadget Mobile. don't make me start on the Gadget Mobile, I could write an entire blog post about it. Let's just say that by the end of the movie I was crying into Ruby's shoulder begging her to make it stop talking. I don't know whether they thought the actors and actresses were too boring or if they just needed to kill time, but why the heck the decided it would be a good idea the throw in an annoying car that sounded like...I don't know...some DJ or beyond me. But that's it. That's ALL I'm gonna say. This movie has seriously frightened me from ever trusting blindly to my memories again, and possibly frightened me out of renting the second one, which I hear is better. OK. In Other News; We went to the dentist yesterday, our first trip, even for me. We all had our teeth looked at and cleaned and Isabel had two cavities filled, and as it turns out; I have a dirty, dirty mouth. I was there for the LONGEST time and the hygienist had to call in the actual dentist to look at my teeth. I will need to have cavities filled, I may need braces and they want a specialist to look and see if I need surgery to get my wisdom teeth out. It proves it; ignorance is bliss. I have never had teeth problems before and I wasn't really worried about them at all until yesterday, when suddenly someone looks in my mouth and tells me my teeth are about to ruin my life. I'm done now, and I will let you off the hook because I just pushed "preview" and this post looks menacingly long. Bye!

P.S. Just kidding! You thought would get off without a P.S.? Ha! Anyway, If it's not to much trouble I would seriously like a suggestion for a REAL movie to review. Thank you.

P.P.S. If you happen to be a fan of the old cartoon and are wondering what's in it for you, there is this strange little part during the credits were Penny calls Brian on her watch-thingy and he answers and has a really weird voice. It wasn't the next day when my brain finally made the connection and I realized that it was Don Adams, voice of the old Inspector. So there, enjoy!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

In Defense Of "The End" And "LOST" In General

Believe it or not, I thought this through, very carefully. I realize that reading some 15 year old defend a drama program is probably not your desired reading for the night, and I understand it. I've given up on being one of those bloggers that gets a whole bunch of followers and subscribers- I write for two reasons; in the hopes of entertaining those who are close and anyone who stumbles upon it, whilst keeping them informed of the daily goings-on in our household, and simply for the joy of writing, because I love to write. And since the majority of the topics covered are those which I am currently taking an interest in, it stands to the reader to decide whether or not my blog is worth coming back to for whatever news or humor it might hold. I wish I was one of those writers that could make every topic fun and interesting, but I'm not. So if the fact that at this particular moment I chose to blog about "Lost" totally bothers you- I will not hold you responsible for reading the post. That was a really depressing intro. I'm sorry. I hope I didn't scare anybody away from reading this. Here goes;
I liked "Lost". And I'm not afraid to say it. But I'm starting to believe I should be because every time I mention that I've even watched it to somebody, they snort and chuckle a little and give the miniature version of an eye-roll. Their answer/explanation for this behavior? "It was a waste of time." with all do respect- people who believe this and who's opinions I admire greatly- I have to ask; What did you expect? I mean what was your thought when you saw it coming on for the first time; "Hey, COOL! A show with people! People that crash on an island! And it's a drama! And there's sadness and humor and love stories and people die! Hey ya' know, we should totally watch that. I bet it'll make us better people, teach us some awesome life stories and by the end of it- it will NOT have been a waste of time." Look, I'm sorry. But if your looking for that kind of fulfillment, TV is not the place to go. I, for one, don't think cinema is waste of time at all. I see it as a work of art- the product of human thought and labor- a form of expression. I see great possibilities for fellowship when you enjoy cinema together as a group and most of all- I believe there is always an important life lesson that can be gained from any form entertainment derived from the human mind. Now, of course, I'm getting too broad- but I wanted to clarify this very important aspect first of all; anything in human culture can be bettering, in which case nothing is "A waste of time." it simply depends on what your looking for and how good you are at sorting the mush from the good stuff. So no, I'm not actually trying to stick up for the writers, actors, and director (s) of the show "Lost", although I think their all brilliant, talented people. I'm just sick of hearing the same arguments against it that don't make any sense. Me and Ruby thoroughly enjoyed watching it together- and grant it, there came a point when it became a little to prominently on our minds and I think we spent more time then we should have watching it- you always have to be careful of that. But most of the time it was like a daily routine; at lunch time we would break into the cokes that we earned from Mom, help with lunch for the gals and then curl up on my bed and enjoy a few episodes. Enjoy a few episodes, because believe it or not it did have comedy and drama and sadness and love and people DEFINITELY died. We picked favorite characters, guessed who would be the next to go, impersonated people and formed silly inside jokes. And we remembered, through the whole thing, that God was LORD. We compared all the references to scripture that were scattered throughout, and pointed out the life lessons that could be derived. Not to mention, it brought us closer together, it gave us something our own to do, by ourselves. So no, I watched "Lost" all the way through...twice; and I still don't think it was a waste of time. I'm sorry for anyone that did because I believe you missed out; and although I wish I could leave you with a better last message, the best I can say is this; God can communicate in anyway he wants to, and his truth is everywhere. We, as humans, are all made in his image and there for; willingly or un-willingly we reflect his beauty in everything we do, and I believe it's our job as Christians to find this beauty, and make it more easily-see-able to everyone else.

P.S. This post is barely about "Lost" and I don't even think I mentioned "The End". My bad.

P.P.S. As a review, it kind of stinks, but examining something like a cinema presentation was really fun. Reviewing is something I've always wanted to do. We're renting "Inspector Gadget" (the live-action Mathew Broderick version) tomorrow, so if you think it'd be a good idea for me to review that then grovel and I might consider it.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Finally, a Fabulous Foundations Collegium Post Featuring My Famous Friends!

Hi. I am fifteen today, and I would like to show you the people that I spent the majority of my day with. I am not going to give a whole lot of background, or say a bunch of funny things, because it's my birthday; and today I don't need humor to keep you reading my blog posts. But first; a few disclaimers- Raz, there is no picture of you in here. Sorry, but you got there just a bit to late and we were already about to start and I was like "I'll get a picture of you later!" as soon as you came in and you were like "What?" except you said it like I had just confided in you that I was turning into a giraffe, and the anxiety at my social skills that this created in me prevented me from concentrating and I forgot to take a picture of you. Also, a few of you are either really insecure, or in trouble with the law- or you just thought it was really funny to avoid letting me take your picture ON MY BIRTHDAY. Ian, Graham, and Brenna; I'm looking at you. Except I'm not, because you wouldn't let me. Ian and Graham I let off the hook because I managed to sneak a photo of while they were talking, but the world will never know what Brenna looks like. There are no pictures of Jonathan or Julia in here, because Jonathan was sick and Julia arrived about the time the cake was cut, so there was obvious reason for distraction. Wow, I said I wasn't gonna say a whole lot and then I did. So here are the pictures, with (hopefully) as little explanation as possible.
First is the picture of Herr professor Bird, he's the noble looking fellow holding the blue glass.
Then we have two pictures of two people; Christian is coming the door and looking both happy and surprised that I am taking a picture. And younger Graham (there's two of them) is looking pleased with himself at being there first. And then I have a picture of the two together making a funny face. Alyssa managed to strike a nice pose in time for my ninja-fast camera attack (she is wearing a pink sweatshirt and a bow), and Hank is always standing about like he wants his picture taken, he is in the dark brown sweatshirt. Older Graham is wearing a green rugby tee-shirt and trying to hide from my awesome snap-shot skills. Well it didn't work, because you will notice that I have a photo of him from the side too. Ian also tried, and failed, to avoid me by making what he thought was an impenetrable wall from his red sweatshirt. And like a patient hunter I waited for him to become distracted, and he is going in the post too. Brenna, however, managed to somehow avoid it, she is the only one who's face is not visible, but her black and white shirt is very pretty at least. Denver is also seen smiling as he comes through the door, and since I don't want you to mistake him for Christian, he is wearing blue and Christian is not. Also, to save time, I included a rather blurry photo of Anna, (middle) Natalie, her sister, and Alyssa, whom you've already been introduced to. They are very interested in something on Anna's phone. Sorry if it's not the best picture ever, but at least your faces are all slightly visible. So in conclusion- and If you've read to this point I can only assume you've noticed this already- when I started writing this post I figured that blogger, being as advanced as it seems to think it is, would have a nice organized system of putting the photos up and letting the writer decide what order they go in. I was wrong. So you'll just have to scroll through and find the photo I'm speaking of using the brief description I gave you and your own blind luck. And I'm going to sleep now.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Blog Post Without a Name Because I Can't Think Up a Witty One

Thank you Mom, for being the only one to fully appreciate that last blog post. There, now the guilt trip for the day is done, and more! I have set the scene for the rest of the blog post; because Mom- you and Dad are gonna get a lot of thanks this post. Unfortunately, there is no way to do this without feeling guilty, because although I have about a million things to thank my parents for during the day (thank you for not killing me, thank you for not tearing my hair out, ect.) I never, ever do until all of a sudden they just decide to do something awesome for me out of the blue, and then I get on face-book and I'm like "I have the best parents in the world!" and even though they think it's really great that I acknowledge that fact, I'm sure my parents must have that tiny seed in them that says "You know, she only posted that because you did something nice and she doesn't want to be nice to you the rest of the day and she wants you to think she's really nice when you do nice things for her so you'll do more nice things." Their brains seriously over-use the word nice. And though I've done that innumerable times, I'm sure the tiny seed has only gotten worse, but here's the thing; I'm really not doing it for either of those reasons. Really. I love you guys a TON and I think your the best parents in the world and when you do nice things I just feel really bad for not doing nice things for you; but I'm not all that creative and I have a limited number of resources, so a face-book post is usually the only thing you get for your efforts. Sorry. But hey, this time it's a blog post! So now that that issue is (hopefully) clarified, I will tell you the nice things they did. So, as you ALL know, next week on the 11'nth everybody's favorite blogger, guitar player, VHS collector and VW fan will turn 15. But since it was unclear whether Dad would be in town that week they decided to give my present on Thurs ( I think they were actually just afraid that I would figure out what it was since I'm such a genius ). I can now admit that when I was first told that they had my present, and that it was an electronic, and that I would love it, I had serious doubts. How could they know what I wanted when I didn't? There was no electronic that I knew about that I wanted; iPod? Not really. iPhone? No way. I was confused and disappointed without cause. But I had underestimated my family- man! Do they know me! The present (which I have included pictures of ) is a record player, CD player, Tape player, Aux player, LP converter, tape converter, and Aux converter (all to CD), and it's beautiful, isn't it? But that isn't the only thing my long-suffering parents have done for me this week, no; last night, the day before Dad had to leave town, he spent getting my bug over here. That's right, it's finally back in my hands! And because of the cold and dark and rust that Dad endured moving it, I forgive him for the broken front and back panels and other "Minor cosmetic damages" inflicted during the move. Hopefully, if my personal responsibility holds out, I will blog in detail about that later. And now; to conclude the post; I would like to say thank you to both Mom and Dad for giving me one of the best weeks of my life. And for, in general, putting up with me, my crazy emotional-ness, my eccentric hobbies of collecting rare Muppet things and doing random British-impressions. I have no idea in the world how I would have gotten on without parents as cool as you. You Rock.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Favorites! .....Just Kidding, Panspermia!

Ok, the title is done-now to think up a post that goes with it...kidding. I actually do have a plan this time! Yesterday I forewarned of a post entitled "Favorites" that was to come up today. Believe me, I had every intention of making that happen, but when I actually got to thinking about it, it sounded like the lamest thing ever. I mean, let's be honest guys- I joke a lot about how my blog posts mainly center around my interests; but really, I keep you guys informed and manage to slip in some funny sentences here and there right? It would appear that this, coupled with your incessantly nice comments asking for more, have given me the idea that I am an invincible blogger and I can pull of post about anything I want, even toenails. But who really wants to sit on their computer, and read a list of the things some other person likes? Really?! So I'm scratching that idea and moving on to the next one; PANSPERMIA!!! Panspermia is a theory on the origin of life, a way to justify the existence of aliens and include them into our cosmic ancestry, a way to pull together the intelligent design and evolutionary theories without loosing the romance and science of's also my symposium topic. Which is the only reason I say all those nice things, because lets face it; anyone who's so desperate to believe in aliens they try to form a real scientific theory off of it-is a total fruitcake. But I picked it, I've researched it, and I'll be defending it next Tuesday. But actually I'm pretty excited, mine will be hard to defend so they will expect to wipe me out and man, they got another thing comin'! I hired Doctor who and a Dalek to stop by afterward anyway, in case things get too rough. And that's about it. I would love to tell you more about the actual theory but...actually I don't, and since this is my blog I wont.

P.S. I'm include a link here to a HILARIOUS blog written by a really funny girls, however it is my strict duty to warn you that the content is pretty adult; mostly due to her tendency to use strong language to accentuate her posts. But if your one of my adult friends, and you feel man enough for it, I would give it a look because it's probably the funniest thing since Peebles. The
blog; Hyperbole and a Half

P.P.S. Picture is of Doctor Who. ;)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A More Coherant Post

First of all, let me explain why I chose this particular moment to blog.It happened something like this; My sister told my Mom that I was making myself a cup of coffee at 7:50, Mom told me I would never sleep, and I was "Augh! I'm doing school! I need coffee!' and she was like "Look at my Bejeweled Blitz score!' and I was like "I'm going to do school." and she was like "Fine! Go do your school!" and then I went to my room and looked at my paper and decided I didn't want to do school anyway. So...I guess that's not really a reason to blog after all, in fact I'm not even sure why the hour chosen to blog needs an explanation...oh well, this is me were talking about here. And speaking of me, it's time for my daily criticize-my-own-blog-post rant! Just kidding, it was awesome. And, as I now realize, not really that long (thank you Papa!) just really, really, incoherent- with lots of disjointed sentences, abstract thoughts and random news flashes. Oh yeah, and my "N" key had something spilled on it so it's really sticky now and takes me like three times to get it to work, so I wrote "wet" instead of "went", and other such grammar faults several times. OK, I named this "A More Coherant Post" (yes, I name the posts before I write them-it's fun but doesn't really help with coherence- can you tell I like this word?) anyway, in the spirit of coherence (how many times?!) I am going to try to start thinking up a theme for all these posts that have no news-bringing purpose, like "What I think of ducks" or "My view on the PT Cruiser" or something like that. This means that improvised posts, as in the past, will probably be public failures; as they are all my inexplicable thoughts on the things I choose to talk about- but isn't that what a blog is for? I'm thinking about one called "favorites" that may go up soon, and perhaps I'll blog about Panspermia (alien seed model) after that. Anyway, this hasn't been, despite it's ambitious title, the most coherent (four times!) post ever, but it got the job done, and my restraining from making it too long by including the "Favorites" thing gave me hope that I can, actually, be an organized cohesive blogger.

P.S. I mentioned the argument I had with my Mom briefly above. I would like to publicly apologize for it; Mom, I sorry. And your Bejeweled score is goin' down!

P.P.S. I almost forgot! I got the most sensational, inspirational, celebration-al, Muppet-tational
Kermit-the-frog hat the other day. I mean really; aside from God and a whole lot of other things, it's like the most awesome thing ever.

Monday, October 25, 2010

A Post That Runs On And On And On...

Spurred by an encouraging comment from my grandfather, and driven by the fact that I am in the between stages of playing Bejeweled Blitz till I get a headache and working on the essay that isn't due for a week and a half, I return to you now to blog. But to blog about what? Current events are not my strong point in writing- I will never be a news reporter. However I can say this much without sounding boring and monotonous, like a Gregorian monk chanting recent events; Ruby's birthday was this week! I say "this week" because I don't want to say Saturday, and it ends up being Friday, and so embarrassing myself in front of anyone who reads this and actually knows. I can safely say, however, that it was the twenty-second. Ruby wet shopping and spent the night at Nina and Papa's house, and the next night we all took the traditional trip to Cracker Barrel with Aunt Kim, Lilith, Aski (Asky?), and Grandad Dave. I then proceeded to buy myself a necklace from the giftshop,(because that's much more important than the birthday thing), Naomi rubbed her lollipop on the trashcan ad gave it to Aski (Askie?), and we all went home. Except Ruby who, now being a hundred-air, got to spend the night at Nina and Papa's again. Aside from that the news get's pretty monotonius, I have been working on the Alien Seed symposium, and after watching hours of "Cosmos" and "Origins", I am pretty alien-ed out. It thunderstormed last night too, and after having a long dream about a Halloween party, I awoke to find the power out and it thundering loudly. End of news. And now; two random pictures of me! (because what girl doesn't lie posting random pictures of herself?) The first one is me painfully fixing my hair, in my Beatles shirt. he words "SPEECH" and "Flush!" are visible on my arm. I can explain. My speech was due in two days, and when I was writing it on my arm I asked Ruby if there was anything else I needed to remember, and she oh-so-funnily said "Flush!". I thought it was funny at the time. The next picture is me looking angry at the person who took the picture. I'm trying these out because I would like to find a new header. I like the one I have-I've had it since January 2008- but it is also in my side bar, and when I post things on FB it makes it look like there all about Herbie. End of long, long post.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Few Thoughts On Thought

Behold, we know not anything;
I can but trust that good shall fall
At last - far off - at last, to all
And every winter change to spring.

So runs my dream; but what am I?
An infant crying in the night;
An infant crying for the light;
and with no language but a cry.
- Tennyson

I have to wonder, as I sit with my sore throat and all my research books spread out around me, what makes people quote poetry? Do they really have the noble and honest desire to share beauty with one another? Or is it just hard-wired into the depths of human nature the desire to appear smarter than all the other members of our own species? It's never a good thing, I suppose, not to able to identify the cause for ones own actions. And I am inclined to think that if I try hard enough, I could seperate from myself and examine, with a critical eye, my own thought patterns; and reach some logical conclusion. But supposing that conclusion were not the desired one; would the human mind accept it? Again, I am left to ponder whether a being can accept any truth that contradicts, or show the flaws in, itself; and whether we aren't sub-consciously twisting and bending logic to fit our own selfish needs all the time. But if this were the case, how could I trust even that argument? And so, my own meager attempt at philosophy leaves me running logical circles around myself yet again.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Epistimology, Paradime Managment, and Laziness.

See those terms up there? Yeah, that's right, the long fancy ones-those are my excuses for putting off blogging for so long. Knowledge, dear devoted readers, and I am just bathing in it. I am, of course, talking about Foundations Collegium- the program that I started nearly a month ago, and the only thing that you people who never see me keep asking about. And what do you ask me, you ask? A lot of stuff, but namely "What is Foundation Collegium?". I can try to define it for you, and since this will probably go on face-book my teacher, Mr. Bird, may read it and want to correct me, and he's welcome to. Foundation Collegium is, in many ways a worldview education class. They cover a variety of subjects, (which are too plentiful and specific to try and name without my list, and I'm to lazy to get it) things such as: Critical Thinking, Spiritual Dynamics, and Biblical Studies, not to mention history and science under the fields of Art and Music, and Literature. All whilst- and at the same time- strengthening and examining a strong Christian perspective. I am definitely enjoying it. My teacher is wonderful, all the other students are great, and did I mention I got 98% on my first speech?! Yeah, I'm writing speeches! Now some of you may be wondering "So...that's all that's happened in the last...what is it...month since you've posted?!" and the answer to that is...yeah, pretty much. I mean, time has progressed (today, for instance, is my grandmother's birthday, happy B'day Nina!), goats have escaped and been put back in, rabbits have died, my record player broke- but nothing of real interest to the popular group. (There's a popular group?) So I will be forced, once again, to leave you with a few stringy, half-hearted announcements. First off, I found a place that can transfer my UK Muppet video (remember that? "Laugh it up Brianna Bales...") for five dollars, I may be attempting to learn Chinese soon, I composed my own version of "Gilligan's Island" for guitar, and, oh- MY FIFTEENTH BIRTHDAY IS COMING UP!! (in about two months...)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cure For Teen Depression

Cure for teen depression; First, get rid of anything that might be keeping you depressed- homework, a messy room, etc. Now put on some comfy sweat pants, or gym shorts, and a tee-shirt. Put your hair in a ponytail. Read something from the Bible- doesn't matter what. I like the 23 Psalm as a picker-upper. Make yourself a nice, hot cup of tea or coffee. Turn on an old movie- preferably one with nostalgia. My favorite personally is the Muppets- but yours could be anything, a 1994 T.V. taping of "Godzilla", or a cozy Christmas film (the fact that it's September is irrelevant). And there you have it! I would suggest you have a living creature curl up beside you- cats, dogs, and siblings all work nicely!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What Would It Take...

What would it take to get me to blog when I'm on a lazy strike? How about new goats? A new puppy? Finishing the entire "LOST" saga? starting school? Dad being home? I guess not. I can sit for hours and just blog away when I feel like it, even though absolutely nothing of interest to the general public (meaning, in my case, friends and fam) has happened, and I'm probably just running over the same tired subjects (Muppets, muppets, ect...) and yet when things do happen, I seem to conveniently slip into a no-computer phase, and by the time I've picked blogging up again, those things don't seem nearly as exiting or important as they were before. Well, now that I'm on to it, yes, all those things I listed above have happened since my last post, and since I'm sure they were all very important at one time, I'll just have to cover them all one by one. ( Insert Reader's Groan ) So, new goats? Yes, well I'll have to be brief about them, as at the moment I am...well...wishing they were in a stew pot. Their names are (the momma's ) Saidy, Faith, Kansas, and Camy. The babies (which are all boys, and therefore all food) are named Lambchop, Curry, and Stew. Sick you say? Well I didn't name them, cold humor runs in the family. A new puppy? YES! And allow me to say- while I still believe it- that Guppy (that's her name for now, but it's in flux) is the sweetest, cutest, smartest Great Pyrenees on the face of the earth! Finishing the entire "Lost" saga? Yes, I admit, it caught me too. It became like- a sort of daily routine- when everything had quieted down, usually after lunch, we would put on "Rugrats" for the littles (their new thing-and let me tell you- it is making me miss "Fraggle Rock!) and me and Ruby would settle down on my bed ad watch "Lost" to our heart's content.It was a fun thing to look forward to, and still is, because we are re-watching it. (Geeks, aren't we? But at least it's inclusive this time) Now I would love to dwell on that all day, but I won't, for both our sakes, but mostly mine. As to starting school- well, school is school. But I am enjoying it some. Although it's challenging, I really feel that the new materiel is an improvement, and there is much more reading involved. And, as usual, Dad being home is great. And you know, I think I'll leave you here. I've just made a discovery- blogging does not help headaches. I think I'll try sleep- or maybe "Lost"....

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


So, I have reached that point in the morning were the littles are watching "Sesame Street" or "Wonderpets", I can't tell, Ruby and I are arguing (healthy argument; "A dissagreement a day keeps boredom away.") and, although I should be helping Mom with the chores, I have slipped off to my room and have nothing to do. Which means you people are in for another rambling session. ;) First off, to update (and rub it in) I just got back yesterday night from a two-day sleepover at my friend Brianna's house. Fun! Activities therein included; watching "The Princess and the Frog" (which I, by the way, thought was a very cute and funny movie- although it had some parts that were way too scary for younger audience), playing the just dance game until we were completely sore (no, I never tire of that game, I'm a teenage girl for crying out loud!), and, of course, some "Doctor Who". And when we were all bored of that, we sat down and watched "Extreme Thrill Rides" on TV and 'riffed' all the commercials. Although I love Brianna's, nothing makes me value my own home more than a stay at somebody else's. Home is were the heart is- and nothing is better when your coming home than a hot shower, watching LOST, and then "The Muppet Movie" to go to sleep by. ( there is your healthy Muppet reference; "A Muppet reference a day keeps the...boys away? huh." ;) Anyway, I want my family to know just how much they, in all their craziness, mean to me. I have been blessed with one of the best life's imaginable. Now, that covers the past- how about the future? Well here are my petty and self-centered goals. To buy a new guitar; the old one is officially broken- the frets are warped and it's... just general an instrument that has seen better days. I'll probably buy a used one at the same place, the man there was really nice and helpful, he used to give Mom guitar lessons so I'm pretty sure he didn't mean to rip us off. Also, I have this cool pair of converse boots I want (in the picture, because there pretty hard to describe) there about fifty bucks though, so I doubt I'll be getting them soon. Lastly, I am going to start advertising my babysitting services soon. (I think I mentioned this before, but I apparently haven't nagged Mom enough to make her write one). Now I probably need to get off here- too much computer time isn't good for my eyes ( and too much of my blog isn't good for your mind ) just one more thing before I let you off- about that new Muppet movie- they (meaning Disney, or Jason Seigel or somebody) recently announced that filming will start in September. Not bad, maybe it'll be done by Christmas after all. OK, that's it, class dismissed- I have chores to not do.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Very Distracted Update

Ok, an update- well, facebook has pretty much taken care of that for me, but just in case you happened not to take a look every five minutes, and by the time you got on your homepage was cluttered in so much meaningless junk that my statuses were buried- here's what's been going on this week. Dad is home!!! FINALLY! And boy has he been making up for the time he was away! Mom has him building a goat pin, for (surprise, surprise ) GOATS! Mom's going to look at some this week. Fun right? Now if I could only get used to that goat milk... Oh, and speaking of Mom, I had this weird, vivid dream last night about me going back in time and meeting her when I was a baby. What is that a sign of I wonder? Also, I have decided to just start putting all my blog posts on Facebook. I'm not going to try and decide whether they are good enough, so don't feel inclined to read them. I'm just tired of writing posts that only my mother reads, and I'm sure she's sick of it too, the way I hound her for comments ;) So FB readers- if you like this blog, I would suggest you read back on the older posts you missed... except "Random ramblings of a sick mind". I'm trying to forget that one. Let's see...I think that's all on the news for this week; I accidently punched through a glass window, resulting in a cool camo pinky ring (am I blonde, or what?), we spent Fourth Of July with our neighbors ( also our landlords, nice folks ) and I have decided to get a summer job. Dad says to just advertise my babysitting services, so...consider this an advertisement... I want a summer job because I have three things to save up for (aside from Herbie- cruel fate :( A new guitar, some converse high top boots, and that wal-mart card I talked about last post. Well goodnight folks, and God bless!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pet Profiles

OK, so usually I limit myself to one blog post a day but- since you begged - here goes. This is a "Pet Profile" is to ensure that the next time one of our animals...uh...bites the dust, everyone will know which one, and the consoling answer won't be "Oh, sorry. So how many does that make?" So first things first-

The Mother cat. She is the big one with the crazy black and white fur. She is very sweet and tolerant of the kids. Both ours, and hers.

The favorite of the family, and unarguably the cutest of the kittens. She is a bit of a Moma's girl but she has a brave side too. Brown tabby.

Yes, I realize she is black. But I have always wanted to name a cat Smoke. Smoke is the runt, the smallest and the most withdrawn. She is a loner, and usually stays with Moma or by herself. Her eye has a little infection that makes it crusty.She is my fave ;)

Presto; Cute name, huh? Presto's personality is pretty much the same as Cinnamon's, except that she is more of a tag-along. She is also a bit more willing to try new things, as long as Punky tries them first. She's the black and white spotted.

Punky; Well named, although when Mom gave it to her, it was only because of the Mohawk-shaped marking on her head. Punk is the rebel, unafraid to do anything, including swat at you. She is in the kitchen as we speak, being rewarded for catching a mouse. She's the one that looks like she's being squished by Mom.


Dorthea; Named for the Redwall character, Dorthea was a very young mother, and still retains her childish personality and high-pitched squeak. White and light brown.

Gypsy; Named for the MST3K character, Gypsy is sweet, loving, and a complete wimp.Her original name was Mariel, for the Redwall character (we use a lot of character names) but the personality was totally off. The gray one that looks like a mouse. She is mine.

The Brain;
Named, obviously, for "Pinky and the Brain" the TV show, the Brain lives up to his character; evil, and smart. What are we going to tonight Brain?" "The same thing we do every night Falcon, try to take over the world!" He is the small white one with the spiky hair.

; Big and dumb. But adorable! Ruby's love. ;) White and fuzzy with gray spots.

Hunger and Boredom

No,no,no- this is not one of those 'depressed' posts. I promised not to do that again, and anyway those are no fun! All I'm gonna use this post for is to ramble and to complain. And yes, I am hungry and bored. For once my post title meant something! I amaze myself! And before you call Child Services on my parents, allow me to clarify that I am both hungry and bored by my own fault. I'm hungry because I'm picky. I'm fourteen and I still can't stand veggies, in this case, squash and okra. Eeewwuuugghhh!! Just writing them gives me chills. I'm bored because the Doctor Who that everyone is watching in the living-room is "Stones Of Blood" and I could quote all the dialogue in that one. But won't, because it's old and goofy. So far this post is pretty boring, as I read back. Maybe I need something to spruce it up? A chorus line perhaps? Nah, you'll just have to put up with more of me. Dad has been home this week, which has been awesome! It's wonderful having someone around the house to help while Mom recovers, and I know it makes her very happy just having him here. Now, I want to ask you a favor. Yes, YOU!! I have been trying for awhile to figure out something to do with this blog. "Hhmm... why don't you try BLOGGING??!" Well smarty, what I meant was that I want a reason to blog. As I said one of those other posts that you didn't comment on, not a lot of interest happens in my life, so I was kind of hoping for a suggestion. Movie reviewing? Product reviewing? People reviewing? You may leave suggestions in the comment box. ;) Lastly, I have had a real urge to start driving recently. I'm not sure what spurred it, maybe the fact that Brianna is getting her learner's permit this week (congrats!) or maybe just the feeling of being stuck at home with nothing left do, or maybe all the babysitting clients I've lost thanks to no transportation. Oh well, won't be long now ;)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

This Is Starting To Bug Me...

OK, I'm not a bragger, but I have to say- that last blog post was good right? I kept you guys up-to-date, I was nice about stuff, and I said the word 'jovial' what's not to love? So WHY no comments?! You guys have Google Readers right? So why don't you use em'?! I'm insecure (OK, so not really) and I wanna feel the love!! I'm not asking much, just a little "lol, your funny" or "Wow, your a dork" SOMETHING let me know your listening! Thank you. Now the stuff about my life-uh, well the big computer has virus, so Mom's been using mine, hence the fact that I'm not FB very much. Oh, and I might be getting a credit card. Actually, a Wal-Mart card. If I can earn up forty dollars. Which reminds me, NONE OF YOU GUYS ASKED MOM ABOUT MCKAY'S!! How can I trust you people?! I should just sign off and start a new blog, were I can rant away and even bother to check, for the off-chance that anyone will comment. other news, I may have new babysitting client! Well, that's all I have the charisma to write right now. But I'm gonna ask again; PLEASE comment on my last post!!!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010


Well hello again, my oh so tolerant readers. As you can tell from that introduction, I am in quite a jovial mood. Jovial? OK, so maybe I'm in a 16'th century England mood, I can never tell with me. For once I am not going to tell you that nothing much has happened in the last few days. Not that anything of interest has happened, I'm just not going to tell you that. As you know Father's day was yesterday...I think...but my poor father was out of town. :( On the bright side though, the day before me and Mom got to have a "girl's night out" together when my grandparents took all the other children (their brave, aren't they?) so me and Mom went out to eat, and then bought "Just Dance" and danced our pants off for awhile. Then we rented the new "Sherlock Holmes" movie and watched it. And if your hoping and/or expecting a review on that-don't hold your breath. All I'm gonna say is that, regardless of the fact that this is one of my favorite stories of all times that Hollywood is modernizing here, It was a brilliant movie. And they really did a much better job of keeping it close to the book than I expected (but then, I've learned not to expect much). After that Mom went to bed (the weenie pants) and I watched an MST3K by myself in the living room, so that was the end of our night together. Oh, and since your probably wondering about the title- I chose it for two good reasons. One; it's the name of my mother's favorite show, which means she will be forced read at least to here. Two; why do I need a second reason? I'm done trying to think up titles for these things. If I kept them all based on the post, they would all be named "Nothing Much Has Happened This Week". OK, I'm not gonna stay on here much longer, I'm hungry-need to bug Mom about lunch. Just one more thing, I need help from all you people that I like to imagine read this blog. See, I want a trip to McKay's. unfortunately, the house is clean, the car is clean, and aside from those things there is no force on heaven or earth that can make Mom take me. So please, leave a comment and ask her, nay, beg her, nay, BRIBE her! You will be rewarded in heaven.

Friday, June 18, 2010

One Girl Alone; A Blogging Legacy

OK, so what's on the agenda for today? Well Nothing really, since my Mother decided to put to shame my reputation for being a workaholic. The house is spotless, my clothes are organized, I can't write right now, and if Mom mentions school, I will pack up and leave. Recently I have been lapsing into severe laziness, which has been giving way to depression. But only when I am blogging. I have no idea why I have the sense of responsibility that I must blog. Or maybe it's because every time I look back and read a recent post, it's like reading the very random thought chain of someone who's bored, depressed, and up WAY late to be tampering with his/her reputation. And tampering with my reputation is exactly what I've been doing recently, trying to express and explain myself without regard to other peoples opinions, and only succeeding in making myself out to be depressed and withdrawn. But there have been moments of truth to what I've written, although that side of me is the hidden...well previously hidden, side. So what I'm saying is, enough of sicko-oligy on this blog! Let's get back to the random, the comedic, the boring, the obsessed...uhm...let's get back to whatever we were doing before. So updates-well, not a lot has happened that's worth chronicling, but Mom (or maybe I should say "Aunt Bee") has about ten watermelons growing her garden. Among other things, including tomatoes, zucchinis, and the best cucumbers in the history of mankind. Also me and Ruby have been watching "Doctor Who" again more, and I gotta say, this Matt Smith fella is OK, he's no David Tennant or Tom Baker, but he's OK. (And yes, I will once again assume you know what I'm talking about). The end of the season is approaching and I REALLY hope he keeps this companion! In other news (lol) Ruby has taken up puppeteering (and I thought television in the 70's didn't effect your mind), I have been previewing MST3K's (cause' I can do that! YAY!) and found a lot more good ones to watch. Also I have hatches this crazy scheme to recycle old ugly clothes into new trendy ones. Will keep you posted. Now I gotta switch out laundry...

P.S. As for the title...I didn't even think about it. It just sounded catchy!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Something Pretty Nerdy And Wierd That I Dug Up That I Thought I'd Post Here

I sigh a lot. I sigh when I look at my sewing box full of unfinished projects. I sigh when I find out what were having for dinner. And I sigh when I see blog posts put on FB. Not because it annoys me, by all means, if something is a great inspirational work of art, why not share it with the world? I guess what makes me sigh is the knowledge that I will never be the kind of person who can write an educated, heart-wrenching article of interest. And no, I am not gold-digging... I just don't write like that, it's not my style. I am a comedic nerd, for better or for worse. Not that comedy is necessarily my strong point either, it's simply what I enjoy writing. But enough on that subject, as to the title, it's really nothing of interest except that I recently discovered that they are making a new Muppet movie. "Oh, WWWHHHEEE!!" You say, "That was worth the paragraph of buildup... Not!" Yeah, sorry, but if you read this blog at all get used to useless bits of information like the above, they are pretty much my life. OK, now I really sound depressed. Where was I? Ahh, well they plan to release it on Christmas, which, yeah is not the best idea. It's called "The Greatest Muppet Movie Ever Made" which makes me wonder two things; Does the writer have something against Jim Henson? And how is the advertising company gonna cope to that long title? I can only hope it'll be better than the other more recent Muppet productions, which I've only seen one of; the incredibly bizarre "Muppets From Space" I thought it only OK, but I hear it's peaches next to "Wizard of Oz" and "It's a Very Merry Christmas Movie". Still with me? OK, sorry about the droning. You get the basic picture, and I am going to pray for everyone involved in the making, because after seeing all that great old Muppet stuff, I'd love to see them brought back in a decent film. K, I'm gonna let you go now, Ruby is making cookies and she doesn't need any help whatsoever. My Que.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Really To Late To Be Blogging

Well here I am, curled up on my nice black and white bedspread, in my blue and gray P.J.s, with my silver laptop. Why the color schemes? Dunno. I bet your not really sure were I'm coming from right now, well, I'm not either. I feel both happy and sad. I'm happy for the future, which is very new for me. I am usually a secret pessimist, always worried about what lies ahead. That is why I withdraw myself from politics and popular culture so much, because according to television and movies, it all leads to certain doom. But the future does look bright for me, I have nice clothes, a nice family, a wonderful father with a decent job. And a God that loves me, what else do I need? Nothing, and that may be part of the sadness, it is the age-old dissatisfaction of the teenager, the feeling that your life is going nowhere. But where do I want it to go? Nowhere. I am happy were I am, I have a room to organize, books to write, clothes to make, movies to watch on the weekend, and, in general, a wonderful life to lead. Maybe it's something else, something that I just can't find the nerve to write here, my deeper but-really-so-dumb-and-kiddish-no-one-would-believe-me inner workings.*sigh* I'll go watch "The Muppet Show" now. I know from experience that it can be almost therapeutic when I'm in this kind of funk. It's that kind of thing that keeps me going sometimes-the familiar, nostalgic characters that seems more real to me than the everyday people I am so unsociable with. I have a real thing with obsessions that dominate my mind, that I can spend hours on the internet looking at. That I can write a BOOK about for goodness sake. There, that is, seriously as deep as I am. I hope this hasn't made a lasting impression on you, because although every word rings true I'm sure I will regret posting it tomorrow.