"If you could live in some other historical period, which would you choose and why?"
I actually skipped a few of the questions on the list, because they are really not applicable to me. This one merits a little discussion. The first era that comes to MY mind is, naturally, the 1960's. I am a huge fan of the 1960's. It was a transitional period, with enough of the values and morality of the past mixed with many of the culture icons I personally enjoy. Of course, I didn't actually live in this period so I don't know what it was really like- I know what I see on all my favorite television shows though, and it looks pretty sweet. Dick Van Dyke, Jack Benny, Mel Blanc, Jim Henson, Morey Amsterdam, Bob Hope, Andy Griffith and Don Knotts, Lucille Ball- just to name a few of my favorites- were all alive back then, and I could have become the ultimate autograph hound. The fashion was flexible- "hippie" was in style ;) and so was Volkswagen....yeah, it sounds pretty awesome. The era wasn't perfect- none ever is. But as far as I'm concerned it sounds pretty close.
P.S. Really incredibly short. Sorry. I had a crummy day, and I wanted to blog but I am not going to blog about depressing things...nuh uh, not again. Instead, I'm gonna let you people profit from my gloominess; you get another Porky Pig picture! Isn't he cute in a space-suit?! Now were both cheerful!!!

P.P.S. My wonderful grandfather (one of the few I know reads this) is lending me not only a Jack Benny autobiography but one of Mel Blanc too, and I ordered a Jim Henson one. Very excited about reading now. Cheers!
Having lived in/through the '60's I can tell you it wasn't all sweet. But you make your own memories. Mine involve playing in a rock and roll band, having fun with your Nina, going to sea in the Coast Guard and not thinking of getting old or having kids or grandkids (as wonderful as they are). My circle during the 60's was what I created and enjoyed, but looking back from a historical perspective I see parts of the 60's that really depress me; especially how it started a change in this country that I find disturbing. Especially for our grandchildren who will not know the country I grew up in and the country I love(d). Sorry, didn't mean to get on my soapbox.
Love ya, Papa
Having lived in/through the '60's I can tell you it wasn't all sweet. But you make your own memories. Mine involve playing in a rock and roll band, having fun with your Nina, going to sea in the Coast Guard and not thinking of getting old or having kids or grandkids (as wonderful as they are). My circle during the 60's was what I created and enjoyed, but looking back from a historical perspective I see parts of the 60's that really depress me; especially how it started a change in this country that I find disturbing. Especially for our grandchildren who will not know the country I grew up in and the country I love(d). Sorry didn't mean to get on my soapbox.
Love ya, Papa
if i could live in a historical period it'd be the 1980's because most of my singers were young than and and converse were hot(as in very popular)then
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