I really want to blog right now, and I should, it's a perfectly logical thing to do. Because I, dear people, am sick. I woke up this morning with a headache, after having dreams off and on that I was alone with the girls in the car trying to find a way home. I had more then a headache- my limbs and back are aching, to the point were I can't even really move them (typing, once you achieve the right angle, does not require use of arms, just fingers) and I have a really painful cough that feels like it will make me throw up. Mom had planned to go out tonight, which is horrible because I've been begging her to do something out of the house so me and my sisters can have a sleepover, and I will probably miss school tomorrow. In other words, my day is not going desirably, and now I am stuck desperately trying to think up a blog post because it's the only thing left for me to do. I've been looking through my drafts, trying to get an idea, but the thing about blog posts is you have to be in a certain state of mind when you write them, and I feel like the blob at the moment, so I can't really pick up the energetic thought trains of any of my other posts. But before I complain further, I would like to thank all of you for commenting on my last blog post, seven is the most comments I think I have had since I started blogging again in like 2009. (OK, so half those comments are mine, there were still a lot) I feel a little better now, so maybe I'll get up and watch "The Dick Van Dyke" show in the living-room. Or maybe I'll just have another biscuit and watch "The Andy Griffith" show on TV land.com. So this has just been a gloomy, boring update of a post with no witticism whatsoever, but at least I feel secure in the fact that you all enjoyed the last one. Better post coming (hopefully) soon!
P.S. Oh right, that title. Well I could go on for hours, but really, think about it- a slow, painful death in which you hurt internally. It's not near as funny as it sounds but very true. And why the picture of the Blob? The world will never know...
P.P.S. Mom is very nice. She made me a biscuit and a smoothie and she says that I don't have to do the dishes and she's willing to let me stay in bed and miss her dinner-trip. I love my Aunty Em!
Ok girl you better get well soon. Ya hear? I actually thought this was going to be a review of "The Blob" with ol' Steve McQueen and "Helen" Aneta Corsaut (from The Andy Griffith Show"). You have set a pattern now. We (all your loyal followers) expect reviews, reviews, lots of reviews.
Maybe this one will top 7.
Love Ya, Papa
Ha! That would be an awesome movie to review! However I would have to watch it again a little more closely so I could spot things, and I don't own it.
Well, I think perhaps you could save your kleenex's and we could do a mini stop animation remake OF the blob! What do you think?
Sounds awesome!...and gross....
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