OK, OK, I know this is the post you least wanted to read. But it's only fair that if I'm going to wright about the interests of the rest of us, I should wright about Isabel's. We started watching Ducktales because, well, honestly at that point we had watched so much of " A Pup Named Scooby - Doo (fus)" I was about to start banging my head against the wall to rid myself of it. After trying and failing several times to find a another little kid show that was bearable yet still entertaining to Isabel, Dad finally had the brilliant idea to put on one hs favorite shows from the 80's. Thank the Lord, Isabel loved it. I don't mind Ducktales to much myself. It's one those shows you can't exactly call "bad" or even really "A little kid show" It's just, well, Ducktales!
Were you watching on the internet or do you have DVD's? I guess ol' Sponge Bob has passed his prime, Huh?
at least it wasn't anamaniacs.....
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