Ok, CHECK THIS OUT!!!!! I know that this probably isn't the best time to be drooling over shiny expensive sport cars, but hey, ya gotta dream big. THIS is the oh-so-cool electronic car, the TESLA. ( applause ) Pretty cool eh? ( just don't say anything about it to Herbie )
They are VERY fast too....
What a cool car. I thought it was Herbie after you did all the work on him! Hey, I am actually commenting on your post. How about that? Glad we got to spend some time together this weekend.
Love ya,
Now, that was weird. how come that came across as "vwbugnut". What have you done to my computer?
Ha! I don't know. I don't really care, as long as you can comment. Dad want's you to read his blog, he is VERY political today.
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