bonjour! buenas noches! buenos dias! good day! good morning! greetings! hey! hi! hi-ya! how are you?! how goes it?! howdy! howdy-do, welcome! what's happening?! what's up..?! ....Sufficiently greeted? Good. I am a home-schooled, Christian young lady who enjoys writing predominantly random articles of my own personal interest. Enjoy!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
What Would It Take...
What would it take to get me to blog when I'm on a lazy strike? How about new goats? A new puppy? Finishing the entire "LOST" saga? starting school? Dad being home? I guess not. I can sit for hours and just blog away when I feel like it, even though absolutely nothing of interest to the general public (meaning, in my case, friends and fam) has happened, and I'm probably just running over the same tired subjects (Muppets, muppets, ect...) and yet when things do happen, I seem to conveniently slip into a no-computer phase, and by the time I've picked blogging up again, those things don't seem nearly as exiting or important as they were before. Well, now that I'm on to it, yes, all those things I listed above have happened since my last post, and since I'm sure they were all very important at one time, I'll just have to cover them all one by one. ( Insert Reader's Groan ) So, new goats? Yes, well I'll have to be brief about them, as at the moment I am...well...wishing they were in a stew pot. Their names are (the momma's ) Saidy, Faith, Kansas, and Camy. The babies (which are all boys, and therefore all food) are named Lambchop, Curry, and Stew. Sick you say? Well I didn't name them, cold humor runs in the family. A new puppy? YES! And allow me to say- while I still believe it- that Guppy (that's her name for now, but it's in flux) is the sweetest, cutest, smartest Great Pyrenees on the face of the earth! Finishing the entire "Lost" saga? Yes, I admit, it caught me too. It became like- a sort of daily routine- when everything had quieted down, usually after lunch, we would put on "Rugrats" for the littles (their new thing-and let me tell you- it is making me miss "Fraggle Rock!) and me and Ruby would settle down on my bed ad watch "Lost" to our heart's content.It was a fun thing to look forward to, and still is, because we are re-watching it. (Geeks, aren't we? But at least it's inclusive this time) Now I would love to dwell on that all day, but I won't, for both our sakes, but mostly mine. As to starting school- well, school is school. But I am enjoying it some. Although it's challenging, I really feel that the new materiel is an improvement, and there is much more reading involved. And, as usual, Dad being home is great. And you know, I think I'll leave you here. I've just made a discovery- blogging does not help headaches. I think I'll try sleep- or maybe "Lost"....
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