bonjour! buenas noches! buenos dias! good day! good morning! greetings! hey! hi! hi-ya! how are you?! how goes it?! howdy! howdy-do, welcome! what's happening?! what's up..?! ....Sufficiently greeted? Good. I am a home-schooled, Christian young lady who enjoys writing predominantly random articles of my own personal interest. Enjoy!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

So, I have reached that point in the morning were the littles are watching "Sesame Street" or "Wonderpets", I can't tell, Ruby and I are arguing (healthy argument; "A dissagreement a day keeps boredom away.") and, although I should be helping Mom with the chores, I have slipped off to my room and have nothing to do. Which means you people are in for another rambling session. ;) First off, to update (and rub it in) I just got back yesterday night from a two-day sleepover at my friend Brianna's house. Fun! Activities therein included; watching "The Princess and the Frog" (which I, by the way, thought was a very cute and funny movie- although it had some parts that were way too scary for younger audience), playing the just dance game until we were completely sore (no, I never tire of that game, I'm a teenage girl for crying out loud!), and, of course, some "Doctor Who". And when we were all bored of that, we sat down and watched "Extreme Thrill Rides" on TV and 'riffed' all the commercials. Although I love Brianna's, nothing makes me value my own home more than a stay at somebody else's. Home is were the heart is- and nothing is better when your coming home than a hot shower, watching LOST, and then "The Muppet Movie" to go to sleep by. ( there is your healthy Muppet reference; "A Muppet reference a day keeps the...boys away? huh." ;) Anyway, I want my family to know just how much they, in all their craziness, mean to me. I have been blessed with one of the best life's imaginable. Now, that covers the past- how about the future? Well here are my petty and self-centered goals. To buy a new guitar; the old one is officially broken- the frets are warped and it's... just general an instrument that has seen better days. I'll probably buy a used one at the same place, the man there was really nice and helpful, he used to give Mom guitar lessons so I'm pretty sure he didn't mean to rip us off. Also, I have this cool pair of converse boots I want (in the picture, because there pretty hard to describe) there about fifty bucks though, so I doubt I'll be getting them soon. Lastly, I am going to start advertising my babysitting services soon. (I think I mentioned this before, but I apparently haven't nagged Mom enough to make her write one). Now I probably need to get off here- too much computer time isn't good for my eyes ( and too much of my blog isn't good for your mind ) just one more thing before I let you off- about that new Muppet movie- they (meaning Disney, or Jason Seigel or somebody) recently announced that filming will start in September. Not bad, maybe it'll be done by Christmas after all. OK, that's it, class dismissed- I have chores to not do.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
A Very Distracted Update
Ok, an update- well, facebook has pretty much taken care of that for me, but just in case you happened not to take a look every five minutes, and by the time you got on your homepage was cluttered in so much meaningless junk that my statuses were buried- here's what's been going on this week. Dad is home!!! FINALLY! And boy has he been making up for the time he was away! Mom has him building a goat pin, for (surprise, surprise ) GOATS! Mom's going to look at some this week. Fun right? Now if I could only get used to that goat milk... Oh, and speaking of Mom, I had this weird, vivid dream last night about me going back in time and meeting her when I was a baby. What is that a sign of I wonder? Also, I have decided to just start putting all my blog posts on Facebook. I'm not going to try and decide whether they are good enough, so don't feel inclined to read them. I'm just tired of writing posts that only my mother reads, and I'm sure she's sick of it too, the way I hound her for comments ;) So FB readers- if you like this blog, I would suggest you read back on the older posts you missed... except "Random ramblings of a sick mind". I'm trying to forget that one. Let's see...I think that's all on the news for this week; I accidently punched through a glass window, resulting in a cool camo pinky ring (am I blonde, or what?), we spent Fourth Of July with our neighbors ( also our landlords, nice folks ) and I have decided to get a summer job. Dad says to just advertise my babysitting services, so...consider this an advertisement... I want a summer job because I have three things to save up for (aside from Herbie- cruel fate :( A new guitar, some converse high top boots, and that wal-mart card I talked about last post. Well goodnight folks, and God bless!
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