bonjour! buenas noches! buenos dias! good day! good morning! greetings! hey! hi! hi-ya! how are you?! how goes it?! howdy! howdy-do, welcome! what's happening?! what's up..?! ....Sufficiently greeted? Good. I am a home-schooled, Christian young lady who enjoys writing predominantly random articles of my own personal interest. Enjoy!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Little girls, little girls, everywere I look...
I CAN SEE THEM!!! Yep, that's right, babysitting again. All I can say is, it's a good thing I got some sleep last night. Poor Mom had to go to a birth this morning, and Dad isn't coming home till late, so that leaves me, lucky me, look at what I'm drippin' with...LITTLE GIRLS! Honestly I love it when I babysit. We can play all sorts of crazy games, or we can just chill out and watch movies ( of course, whichever one we pick Naomi wants to do the opposite ) And not to mention I couldn't have picked a prettier day to babysit, so I can always take them outside to play. Oh, and BTW... if you read my last post you probably remember what I said about starting to blog again because I get so many more comments? Maybe you didn't catch my drift, what I meant to say was COMMENT PEOPLE!!! SHEESH! WHATS A GIRL GOTTA DO! I WANNA FEEL THE LOVE!!!!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Right, well, what I mean by lazy is that I'm lazy when it comes to blogging. Really though I'm very diligent at another well-known Internet strategy to take up time and allow people to annoy each other without ever having to get within five miles of them - facebook. Aahh...facebook. But anyway I decided to start blogging again when I realized how many more comments I got on my blog than on my "Status Updates". I mean, I get way more responses when I wright something like this then when I put "Locksley Camille Hooker is brushing her teeth." Because then your just like "uhh...OK, Why did I wanna know that?" ( And yet we continue to check it everyday, sad, really) So I'd better tell you some of the things that are going on. Well, Ruby's birthday is in a few weeks..but that's nothing important. Was is important is that my fourteenth is coming up...soon. The exact date is NOV 11. I think we are probably going to do a big birthday party for both of us together with the home school group, sometime in-between, and then each get a little family trip out to eat on our real birthday. ( double the presents, MWAHAHAHA!!! ) SO it should be fun. Now I'll bet your wondering about what I haven't posted about yet...Herbie. Well, poor little Herbie is STILL at great-grandmom-Arthur's house. I did get all those parts to put on, but haven't actually put them on yet, what with Dad having to travel with work and all. But hopefully he will help me with it this week while he's home. Well I'd better go now, It's a beautiful early fall day. The birds are singing, the grass is green, and I haven't checked facebook for more than ten minuets!!!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Happy Easter
Sorry it's been so long since I posted I've been pretty busy with Easter and stuff, plus we were sick all last week. Easter was a lot of fun for us, we got to dye and decorate Easter eggs, then we hunted for them, and then we ate them deviled! ( yes I know, shame on us for eating deviled food on Easter Sunday! ) It's not everyday you get to eat eggs with blue and pink spots! Unfortunately one of the eggs wasn't found, were all hoping someone else finds it before we Oh and BTW, It's Esther's Third Birthday!! Well, technically, it was Esther's birthday. But am I supposed to admit that I missed blogging about two holidays? Esther is also now sporting a new doo. that's right, Mom and Nina finally got up the nerve to cut those gorgeous curls of hers. But, no matter how sad Esther kind of decided for them when she took Mom's scissors and cut a big chunk out of her hair. Mom got her cut shorter too. They both look great, oh and speaking of looks, what do you think of the new background?
Monday, March 2, 2009
Southern Sky Outdoors
Hey, I'd just like to tell you about the really cool new site my cousin and her family put together. It's called Southern Sky Outdoors, and it's really neat. They sell all kinds of outdoorsy - type stuff. So check it out and tell us whatcha think.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
sheesh! Sometimes I think I'm the laziest person in the world! Well anyway I'd better at least start getting you up to date. First of all, yes, we have moved. And no, we are not moving to NC. secondly, I bought new parts for my car!!!!! You know what I told you about needing a distributer? Well not anymore! I finally got it! Unfortunately there is a neighborhood rule that says that it doesn't allow ( in a mocking voice ) "cars that don't run" in the neighborhood ( blah blah blah mean people and there rules blah blah ) anyway Herbie is cozily abiding at my great gandmom Arthur's house, ( sniffle sniffle ) without me. Also, I actually got a sorta-lika-job thing. I get payed a quarter a piece for ironing Papa and Dad's clothes! Oh, and me and Dad found out that it will only take around $150.00 to buy the numerous parts so that I can start him with a key.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Dreaming Of Summer
Happy new year! Merry Christmas! And all the others I missed in my "I'm to lazy to post" spree. Whew! busy year huh? And now we get to look forward to three more months of winter........AAHHGG!!!! Yah yah, I know winter just began, but really! What do you look forward to after New Years besides, well, summer! Anyway as for the distributor, I'm about $25.00 bucks away. =) And speaking of new years, I got to spend it in the best place I can think of, With my cousins! That's right, we ( me, Ruby,Isabel and Nina and Papa ) four day trip to Macon, GA. And had a GREAT time! ( though seriousy, it did NOT seem like a full four days ) But besides from that not much else has happened. Next week though, Isabel turns six! ( I can't believe it ether! )
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